Hacks para obter mais seguidores no Instagram

 Instagram não é apenas o número 1 na lista das redes de mídia social mais populares, é um ecossistema completo em si. É o lar de influenciadores, marcas, blogueiros, pequenos empresários, amigos e basicamente todo mundo. 

O Instagram superou mais de 1 bilhão de usuários mensais. Usar o Insta é uma maneira simples, divertida e criativa de capturar, editar e compartilhar fotos, vídeos e mensagens com amigos e familiares. Mas então a parte difícil é conseguir seguidores, especialmente se você estiver lá pelo dinheiro. Aqui estão alguns truques para obter mais seguidores no Instagram.

Fonte: Scholarlyoa
1. Envolva-se com seus seguidores

Probably the easiest way to get followers, you can simply do this by making your account public which will make it visible to more people. Hence when more people see your account there will be more interaction with your followers, and those who don’t follow will most likely follow you. I mean who doesn’t want a little more attention? This will be easy in the beginning but as you start gaining popularity it will keep getting harder to gain followers. Eventually, you won’t have to reply to every single comment or message.

Hacks to Get More Followers on Instagram

2. Exciting Content

The best way to get people to notice you and gain followers is by uploading exciting content. By posting relatable and exciting content your chances of getting a featured increase, resulting in more followers and likes. You need to make sure that the content you post is original, People often use the internet to get away from their own lives. Make people laugh, excite them and be their little escape from reality.

Hacks to Get More Followers on Instagram

3. Post Regularly

If you think that posting once a week will help you get the desired followers, then you are wrong. Make sure you are regular on Instagram, being regular and posting every day will help people notice you. When you post, you appear on your followers’ timelines. Regular posts help with new Instagram users coming to your page. Some people may get bored or frustrated just waiting for you to post and might end up unfollowing. Post often but not so often that you run out of content.

Source: Nitreo

4. Use Hashtags

Hashtags generally help draw random users to your account. They’re really simple but are certainly most effective. Use hashtags that help describe the picture. Using really popular hashtags may be bad, as you may go unnoticed. Try using hashtags that target a specific audience or a niche waiting to view your photo. For example, using #dogsofinstagram is a better option instead of #dog. Using too many hashtags can make you seem too needy, so avoid using unnecessary hashtags. A smart technique is using the hashtags is to post your hashtags in your first comment on the post. Make the post look clean.

5. Give Back And Be A Follower

You won’t get followers instantly, you have to be a giver in the very beginning. The best way to do this is to follow back people who follow you. If you follow someone, they will notice your account and if they like your profile you might even get a follow back. You can unfollow them later on but they might do the same if they find out.

Instagram is a huge part of our lives and while increasing followership may seem more important to some than others, it really doesn’t hurt to have more followers. So, will you be using any of these hacks? If you will be trying out these hacks, then do let us know in the comments below.


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